Super Awesome People: Entry #12
Someday you will be faced with the reality of loss. …It’s like badly breaking an ankle that never heals perfectly, and that still hurts...

Super Awesome People: Entry #11
Doggie Love Have you ever wanted to throw your hands in the air and just say “fuck it!?” Have you ever had to drag your butt out of bed...

Super Awesome People: Entry #10
Everything Is Better With Gus This guy makes me happy and he doesn’t even have to do anything super amazing, because he’s just naturally...

Super Awesome People: Entry #9
A Letter to My Niece You may or may not have noticed this already, but the world can be a bit of a strange place. Or at least I think it...

Super Awesome People: Entry #8
This guy knows how to pay the awesomeness forward! Have you ever had one of those super awesome teachers who is probably one of the main...

What a Dad is to me:
-He's the guy who worked a night shift and is found asleep at the end of your hospital bed in the morning. -He's the guy who warmed your...

Super Awesome People: Entry #7
Super natural at being super awesome! There are some people in this world that make your day better just by being them. Colin is one of...

Super Awesome People: Entry #6
Relax! It's all about the journey. Sometimes I allow my world to become so incredibly insular. I've got work to be done, and places to...

Super Awesome People: Entry #5
Easy Ain't Awesome! Ever had a brief desire to try something new that was instantly quelched by your own inner voice? "You can't do...

Super Awesome People: Entry #4
Awesome Personified On one beautiful Monday afternoon I got to hang out with some super awesome people who are quite simply... amazing! A...