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Super Awesome People: Entry #11

Doggie Love Have you ever wanted to throw your hands in the air and just say “fuck it!?”

Have you ever had to drag your butt out of bed in the morning and remind yourself that we live in a cash-based society, so not getting out of bed wasn’t an option? Have you ever felt like you don’t fit into your own life even though you're the one controlling exactly where you end up?

Have you ever thought that if you stopped worrying about money and bills and all the things you think you need, that maybe, just maybe, you might be able to fill your days with something that gives you what you actually need?

So many questions! I’ll stop myself even though I could probably keep going for at least another thousand words. For me it doesn’t matter how many questions like this you might ask, because they are all easily answered with one small, simple, powerful word: YES! And it’s not just a quietly eked-out, shy, little “yes”; it’s a resounding, emphatic, shout from the top of my lungs kinda “YEEEEES!!!!!!!”

If yours is too, but you need a little inspiration to make the leap into a life you can't wait to live rather than the one you’re supposed to live, why not talk to my super awesome friend Helga? After suffering far too many losses at a young age she found inspiration from the love and affection she received from her adopted dog, Poyo. When her cousin, Michele passed Helga was devastated and has since realized that it was the adorable fur-baby she inherited who helped her through a time of immense sorrow and grief.

Poyo, the dog with the most adorable little face ever, convinced Helga to quit her six-figure-salary tech job to hang out with him more often. Seriously, who wouldn't want to do that? Then he figured they should probably have a few more friends to add a little excitement to the day. Poyo's a smart dog and his human is pretty smart too. Within a year Helga’s business, Liberty Pooch, has grown to provide Poyo with over 30 more furry friends. Now she spends her days surrounded by cuteness and cuddles and love and joy and probably a whole lot of poop, rather than excel sheets and deadlines and stress and commuting.

I’m making it sound easy even though I know that it’s really not. Helga's schedule is jam-packed and we all know that being an entrepreneur is incredibly challenging. But... taking a risk, doing something you enjoy, and contributing to the wealth of the world in a way that is 100% you is without-a-doubt always super, super worth it.

One of the lessons I will take with me from spending some time with the super awesome Helga on a beautiful summer day, is that you don't need a power suit, a hair straightener, or make-up to be a successful business woman. She also reminded me that if you have a positive outlook you can turn a whole lot of bad into a whole lot of good. It just takes you! Take some advice from Helga and remember that you only live once! Maybe you should do something super amazing and say “fuck it” too!

If you decide however, that you’re not ready to make the break and you live in Liberty Village, call Helga. She’ll make sure your fur-baby is completely cared for while you work those long hours. To find out more about her services check out:

Follow Helga, Poyo, and Liberty Pooch on Facebook and Instagram:,, and

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