Your Brand of Awesome!

One day, a customer sitting on the other side of the bar told me that he couldn't respect my argument in a little language debate we were having, because I came from a culture where people used the word “awesome” to describe the sandwich they had for lunch.
Fuck that guy! The word “awesome" is awesome and I'll use it to describe whatever I want! An event, a person, a place or a thing doesn't need to be monumental, brilliant, astounding, or life changing to be awesome. It just needs to be awesome.
I love randomly discovering super-awesome people and often hope that if we hang out long enough, their brand of awesome will rub off on me.
What is your brand of awesome?
I challenge you to recognize it!
I challenge you to embrace it!
I challenge you to shout it from the rooftops!
Today, my brand of awesome is having the courage to try something new. And here it is. Check out the rest of the site and send feedback my way. Help me make this new little project... AWESOME!