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Super Awesome People: Entry #8

This guy knows how to pay the awesomeness forward!

Have you ever had one of those super awesome teachers who is probably one of the main reasons you are the person you are today? I really, really, really hope the answer to that is "yes" for everyone who reads this. In the time it's taken me to write this first paragraph I've thought of four… no wait… six…

They are the people that pushed you a little farther even though you didn't want to be pushed that day. They are the people that inspired you to try something new when you'd rather stick with what you knew. They are the people that were truly disappointed when you didn't perform as well as they knew you could. They are the people that cheered you on even when the competition was stiff. They are the people that stopped criticizing your grammar because they recognized it was stunting your creativity; your war with the semicolon may have been way less violent, but at least you're still writing. Is that how you use that?

Anyhow, one of those super awesome teachers is my good friend Corwin. And the thing that makes what he's doing even more super amazing is that it's all voluntary. Every Tuesday night, after a long day at work, and Saturday morning, when those of us without kids are still asleep, he is coaching a youth basketball team for Toronto Triple Threat, an organization that believes all children should have access to sports. If you want to find out a little more about them check out:

When asked why he did it Corwin's response was simple: "I had teachers who did the same for me." I think that if everyone in the world chose one positive way in which a teacher changed their lives and paid it forward, the world would be an exponentially better place.

P.S. Couldn't help but include this pic of Corwin and his super awesome lady. Allison saw my request for more people to write about and said "you should write about my man, he's awesome!" Well, you know what I think Allison? I think that awesome attracts awesome, so you must be pretty awesome too! (Wow, that was a whole lot of awesome in one sentence, maybe Mrs. D should've pushed a little harder on those grammar lessons.)

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