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Super Awesome People: Entry #7

Super natural at being super awesome!

There are some people in this world that make your day better just by being them.

Colin is one of those people.

This wonderful ability of his never feels forced or insincere. Kindness flows as naturally from his being as a current does downstream. What?!? I'm good for an unapologetically-cheesy metaphor once in a while.

Anyhow, Colin is a whole lot more than just some guy who sits around being super awesome; he does some super amazing things too. Just one of the amazing things he does is be an incredibly talented artist whose imagination I'd love to borrow one day. Since I surprised him with this post I wasn't able to ask him for a sample to prove my point, so for now you'll just have to take my word for it. Maybe the future holds an edited version of the 7th Edition of Super Awesome People Doing Super Amazing Things that includes some of Colin's work (Note to Colin: hint, hint)

As we wandered along Shaw street on a beautifully sunny day looking for a better backdrop, Colin shared his child-like enthusiasm for Halloween. It's June and he's already planning out his costume which I'm sorry to say will be less extravagant than last year's, but happy to report that this will allow him to make it into work before noon. I love a good healthy dose of that brand of excitement, because it reminds me that life doesn't need to be so serious all the time. It inspires me to look at things as my ten year old self would: with hope.

So if you need a little extra sunshine, happiness, and hope in your day, surround you're with people like Colin. You won't be sorry you did... I promise!

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