Super Awesome People: Entry #5
Easy Ain't Awesome!
Ever had a brief desire to try something new that was instantly quelched by your own inner voice?

"You can't do that!"
"Why bother, nothing will ever become of it."
"Between all the other life things you've gotta do, when would you even find the time?"
"That's random! You don't do things like that."
"You really should stick with what you know."
"You can't just pick that thing up, people pratice for years to become even a little bit talented at that thing."
"Remember all those other things you once tried and failed at? Remember all those people who said 'I told you so?' "
"Isn't there some new great season of some great show that you could be binge watching on Netflicks instead?"
If you need a little help telling that voice to shut the fuck up, you could find some inspiration from my awesome friend Natalie!

When I first arrived at her apartment, Natalie was quickly whipping up the homemade bread she had promised to bring to rehearsal that night. Said rehearsal was for a performance that will mark her first time in front of the lights... and it's a one woman show. I don't know about you, but if I were to give acting a go for the first time as an adult, I would be happily tucked behind people, much larger than myself, who all had way, way more lines than me. A one woman show ... seriously, that's terrifying! If given the opportunity, I think I'd quietly thank my inner voice for the advice and settle in to watch another season of No-Matter-How-Zombies-You-Throw-At-Him-Daryl-Won't-Die.

On top of baking bread and venturing into unknown territory, Natalie is writing her doctoral thesis on the use of animals in the performing arts and how it shapes our relationship with and views of these animals in the wild.
If you'd like to catch up with Natalie to ask her more about her super amazing research, you might have to wait until after summer 'cause she'll be traveling to Winnipeg with an acrobatic clown duo called Philip and Lucinda, and then to the Edinburgh Fringe with her friend Rebecca Perry's show, Confessions of a Redheaded Coffeeshop Girl and also hopefully finishing up two of her own plays. I think she might be a little busy.

P.S. I don't think I mentioned yet that she has been learning silks as well. YEP... silks! Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that.